We bought a propane grill a year before selling our home, and only used it once. When we moved into our new home, the prior owners left their grill attached to a natural gas line. It was old, but instead of using our new one, we used it. It worked great and I loved not having to worry about running out of propane.
After a few years of use, it started to rust. We decided to get rid of it and hook up our propane grill which had been in our basement, unused, for 4 years. Without thinking we hooked up this gas grill to the natural gas line. It didnt work at first but then it started to work and then not work. So I went to Home Depot and the guy there said exactly what you are all thinking now: “You cannot hook a propane gas grill to a natural gas grill. You have to buy a converter. ” We looked in the manual to see if they have a converter for this brand and it didnt say anything about one. I dont even think the company is still in business. My husband did some research and decided to drill a bigger hole in the orifice. We tried it and it worked for a little bit but would not stay lit. Is there a way of fixing this problem or should I just count this as a lose and throw it in the garbage? We paid almost $400 for this grill and I’d hate to throw it out and then find out there was a solution.
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