LESLIE: Sandy in North Carolina, you’ve got The Money Pit. How can we help you today?
SANDY: Well, I have a situation where I have a plastic kind of sink that’s in my laundry room.
LESLIE: I’ve got the same one, uh-huh.
SANDY: I made the mistake of taking a pan that had rust on it – kind of a good bit of rust on it at the time – and I soaked it, thinking I was getting some drippings or something off of the pan. And I let it sit there for days. And then I picked the pan up and went, “Oh, cool, that was great.” Now I have a big rust stain in the bottom of my sink from that rusty pan. And I thought, “Oh, my gosh.”
It looks to me like this is going to be the way it is unless – or until I replace that sink. I tried vinegar, soaked rags for a couple of days. I tried CLR. The vinegar-soaked rags helped a little bit.
TOM: Did you try Bon Ami?
SANDY: No, not yet.
TOM: It’s a powder cleaner. And I’ve got a – well, I’ve got a Corian sink that – it’s white and it tends to stain a little bit. And I’ll tell you what, for any type of a synthetic material like that, you sprinkle that Bon Ami in and let it sit for a bit and it comes out really white. It’s almost like bleaching your sink.
LESLIE: It’s like a gentler Comet.
TOM: Yeah. I would give that a shot. I’m sure you can find it in your supermarket. Bon Ami – B-o-n A-m-i.
SANDY: I certainly will. Thank you.
TOM: You’re welcome. Thanks so much for calling us at 888-MONEY-PIT.
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