Need a new way to get and stay organized? A good place to start might be to get all that clutter off your desk and onto the wall where it’s easy to see and easily accessible. But there’s got to be a method to your madness. If you just start tacking everything up on the wall, then it’s a whole other area for clutter. So why not actual creating something that you can use for storage?
What you’ll need for this project is called Homasote. It’s a compressed, gray paperboard. You can find it at a traditional lumberyard and it makes for a terrific pushpin-holding organizer for you and your family. It’s sold just like any other lumber sheet product, in 4×8-foot sheets. You can either cut it yourself or, for a couple extra bucks, have your home center cut it for you. Cut the sheets to a variety of sizes that will work for your space.
Then take the piece home, cover it with fabric, and staple the fabric into the back of each panel. You can use the fabric as is, just for a decorative background, or you can take some ribbon and create a decorative grid. Try a diamond pattern or crossed lines like a tic-tac-toe board. This way you can have something a little bit fancier on your board, or maybe even tuck cards over those strings of ribbon. It’s really a nice way to get your family organized.
Once you’ve made your new organizer, you can hang it on the wall by attaching a picture hanger on the back. All you need are thumbtacks and clips and you are good to go. It looks great and it will help keep you organized!
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