LESLIE: We’re going to talk to Joe in Connecticut about some walls that are just not quite up to his design standards. What can we do for you?
JOE: Yeah, I want to know – I have an old colonial that has plaster walls and I want to do a fix. They’re cracked in several places. I want to minimize the labor and maximize the look.TOM: Alright, well that’s easy to fix. What we would recommend you use is a fiberglass tape. If you just tried to spackle over those cracks what you’re going to find is that the crack will easily open up again. So the first thing to do is to sand the surface and then you want to apply a fiberglass tape. This tape is adhesive, it’s perforated, it’s easy to apply; then, on top of that, you’re going to put two to three layers of spackle. You’re going to start with a narrow spackle blade – say about three inches – and you’re going to work out to be about a six or seven-inch blade and by doing that step by step your lines will disappear and they will not come back.
JOE: Great, thank you very much.
TOM: You’re welcome. Thanks so much for calling us at 888-MONEY-PIT.
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