Our home is overrun with house flies. There is no apparent cause such as open trash, food being out or even Jimmy Hoffa (ha!). I kill up to 25-30 flies *per day*, no kidding. The worst part is the next day there are that many right back. The only thing I can think of is that our cat’s box is maybe 12′ from our door in the garage but we keep that cleaned out every 4-5 days so as to eliminate this as a possible cause.
Can you guys suggest either a fix or a possible cause for this? It’s about to drive me absolutely nuts!
Thanks and I love this show!
Daniel Ledford
Louisville, KY
george pettie
This sounds like ‘cluster flies’. They live outside, feeding entirely on earthworms, but come inside in considerable numbers at this time of year to hibernate. The good news is that they don’t feed or lay eggs in human food and don’t indicate the presence of something dead, like other flies. The bad news is difficult eradication. There is a non-toxic trap called a “Cluster Buster” that reportedly works well.