I need to replace a toilet flange in a second story bathroom. How do I remove this, so I can install a new one myself?
Our Answer
PVC flanges are easier to remove than iron ones. If you have the latter, then this isn't an easy DIY project, so don't tackle it yourself unless you're very familiar with tools and home improvement. If you do, be sure to follow this exact step-by-step guide to getting that flange up. Good luck!
Johnny Schneider
get a PVC inside the pipe cutter. this tool connects to a 3/8 drill with a shaft and on the bottom is a circle saw like cutter wheel. After pulling your toilet determine if your toilet drain drops straight down or if the pipe has a 90deg. fitting changing direction immediately. I highly suggest you call a licensed plumber to replace your fittings that will be cut out in order to replace your toilet flange. Now, say your drain drops 5in.or so. You will only cut enough pipe using your inside pipe cutter to install a new coupling and a new flange. Make sure you clean and glue your fittings well and position your fittings before your glue dries!! Screw into secured blocking your new flange with brass screws{ so not to rust} new wax ring with a horn, new bolts and scheme toilet to keep it from rocking. hope this helps . IF you have a hard time with it CALL A PLUMBER, a licensed plumber. A real plumber has a plumbing license. Good luck. Johnny S. Austin Tx.