LESLIE: Ruth in California is on the line with a patio question. How can we help you today?
RUTH: I’m wondering how I can get rid of the mold – permanently get rid of the mold – on my patio. It’s a pebble surface. And I’ve tried Roman Cleanser, you know, Clorox? And it takes care of it for a while and then it comes right back.
TOM: There’s a product on the market called Concrobium Mold Control Now, they have a deck wash that I think would work for this. And the nice thing about the Concrobium products is they leave a protective barrier on the surface when it dries. So not only does it kill and help clean up the existing mold but it leaves a protective barrier that makes it a lot less likely for the mold to grow back.
Concrobium Mold Control is a product that’s non-toxic and works very well.
RUTH: OK. So it won’t bother the grass or anything around the patio.
TOM: Correct. Exactly.
RUTH: OK. Thank you very much.
TOM: Good luck with that project. Thanks so much for calling us at 888-MONEY-PIT.
Looking for curemymold.com. Can this product be used inside the house?
The web site doesn’t seem to exist anymore.
My house was flooded. We have pulled out all the wet drywall and insulation and we were thinking about spraying the studs down with some kind of mold prevention. what would you suggest?
Thanks so much.
Sally Sufferer