Did you know that the air in your home could be harmful to your health? Air pollution levels inside your home can be two to five times higher than outdoors. This is especially true during the colder months when doors and windows are closed. It can be a very difficult time for members of the household with allergies or asthma.
When the furnace kicks in, dust that has settled into the carpet, furniture, atop bookshelves and other belongings is stirred up and moved through the air. Most homeowners believe that their furnace filter will trap 50% or more of their home’s indoor pollutants, when in fact they really only trap 15 percent or less.
Air cleaners are the answer to eliminating the majority of virus-sized particles, airborne bacteria, cigarette smoke, mold spores, pollen and ragweed. Dryness is another problem, particularly during months when the furnace is in use. The average heated home has a relative humidity of just 13 to 16 percent, when 35 – 40% is considered healthy. A whole-house humidifier not only improves the air quality but when moisture is added to heated dry air you’ll actually feel warmer at lower temperatures.
Medical experts say that many viruses thrive in dry air, so by increasing the humidity, you’re making your home’s air cleaner and more energy-efficient.
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