LESLIE: Paul in Florida has a question about granite countertops. How can we help you with your project?
PAUL: I’ve got countertops here that are covered with Formica but I’ve seen advertisements for a skimming of the countertops with granite and they just come in and put over it. I was just trying to find out whether this sounds like a good idea or not.
TOM: Well, you could certainly have it covered with a granite tile; like a granite floor tile. That can be used for a slightly less expensive way to come up with a stone countertop, Paul.
PAUL: Mm-hmm.
TOM: As long as the substrate, which is the old countertop, in this case, is solid enough to …
LESLIE: (overlapping voices) Is in good shape.
TOM: … prevent movement; then it will be OK. If you have any movement, remember; the granite doesn’t bend, it cracks.
PAUL: That’s correct. OK, well thank you very much. You’ve given me what I needed to know.
TOM: You’re very welcome. Thanks so much for calling us at 888-MONEY-PIT.
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