What do I need to do to install new flooring over old flooring? Our current bathroom floor has dates back to the late ’60s and is made up of those little square tiles. While the tiles are in good shape, we’d like to lay a new floor over them to update the decor. So, do I need to fill in the gaps between the tiles with grout before we install the new flooring? If so, what type of adhesive is used to seal the new surface to the floor?
Our Answer
The answer is… it depends. It depends on what kind of new floor you want to install and it also depends on the condition of the existing tile floor. If the existing floor is solid (no soft spots, looseness or rot) and you want to install a new tile floor over it, you can glue new tile to the old with tile mastic. If the floor is not solid in any way, the old tile should be removed and the subfloor repaired as needed before proceeding with a new tile. Another option is laminate flooring, which can be installed right over the old floor, even if it is slightly damaged. Laminate flooring floats and doesn’t have to be attached to the old floor in any way.
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