LESLIE: Suzette in Ohio, you’ve got The Money Pit. What can we do for you today?
SUZETTE: We have an issue that’s happening in quite a few of the houses in our area where there is a black fungus that is growing on the asphalt shingles. And we hired a company, had them come out and spray the shingles. Well, they damaged our shingles. So we were wondering if there’s something we could do preventively that would hinder this from growing and staining our roof.
TOM: The black moss or mold or algae is usually because you don’t have enough sunlight hitting the roof. Sunlight itself is the best natural sort of mildicide to kill all that stuff. So if you live in a shady area, you get more of that. So, anything you can do to get a little more sunlight on your roof is going to stop that.
Now, in terms of cleaning your roof, yeah, if you hire a company that’s going to be aggressive with those roof shingles, they can definitely damage it. So we’re talking about pressure-washing and things like that.
TOM: That’s not good. Yeah, it’ll look great when it’s done but it actually takes some of the life of the shingles away. There’s a better approach. There’s a product called Spray & Forget and it’s a product that basically you do just that with. You apply it to the roof shingles and it starts to attack the moss, the mold, the algae and basically makes it disappear. It’ll stay – it has a residual quality, too, so it’ll stay on there for a while. And then you can repeat it from time to time. But that’s a much more effective way to maintain the quality and the appearance of that roof then having somebody scrub it or pressure-wash it.
SUZETTE: Now, would that damage the siding – the vinyl siding?
TOM: Not at all. Nope. Not at all. If anything, it’ll make it cleaner, OK?
SUZETTE: Fabulous. Well, good. That’s fabulous. I appreciate that. And we don’t get a lot of sun in Ohio, unfortunately.
TOM: Yeah.
SUZETTE: And where we live, there are no trees, so we get full sunlight.
TOM: Yep.
SUZETTE: But we still see this happening on our house and on our neighbors’ homes, as well.
TOM: Yeah. Well, try it: Spray & Forget. That’s their website: SprayAndForget.com. It’s really a terrific product.
SUZETTE: Fabulous. Thank you so much for the help. I greatly appreciate it.
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