Our sewer main clogs about every 2 years. We are about to have our bathroom redone and I am worried that with today's low-flow toilets it will clog more often. Background: 100 year-old house, closest tree 60+feet, 3 rooter-type companies found only waste, but have not tried video. Thank you! Mike
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Mike, I don't think adding low flow toilets will make it any worse.
As the owner of a 100 year old house myself, I can tell you that old terra-cotta clay waste pipes were common and roots ands dirt can get stuck easily and allow debris to build up causing blockages. You can video the drain but you might just want to consider adding a new one next to the old one (no reason to dig out the old one, just leave it). A new PVC pipe drain won't have nearly the resistance and will be much harder to clog!
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