LESLIE: Next up, we’ve got Niven from California with a roofing question. How can we help you today?
NIVEN: Yes, what I’ve got is I’ve got some what I think they call fascia board on the roof eaves.
LESLIE: Mm-hmm.
TOM: Right.
NIVEN: And those are warped and need to be replaced.
NIVEN: Unfortunately, they nailed it in from the top, underneath the shingles.
TOM: Oh.
NIVEN: And there’s no leverage underneath or I don’t know how to take that off and put up new ones without taking off the roof and I’d prefer not to take off the roof.
TOM: Sawzall.
LESLIE: Yeah. Or can you get like a pry bar in between that area and just sort of pry them down a little bit and then snip the nails?
TOM: A little of both. Do you know what a sawzall is?
NIVEN: Yes, I do.
TOM: OK. So what you do is you’d get up there on a ladder and get up close to it; you’d slip in a flat bar between the roof sheathing and the fascia; pry it open just enough to get the blade in there and just start cutting away.
TOM: You’ll cut every nail. I mean it’ll cut like butter with a sharp blade.
NIVEN: OK, but now how do I put up the new?
TOM: Well, why does it have to be nailed from the top? Can’t it be nailed to the front of the rafters?
LESLIE: (overlapping voices) Can’t you go from the front?
NIVEN: But there’s no rafters there. I mean it’s just empty space there with that …
TOM: So it’s just like – comes to the roof sheathing and down? There’s got to be something behind it.
NIVEN: No, there’s nothing behind it. That’s the problem.
LESLIE: What if you took a piece of like 2×2 or 1×1 sort of stripping – 2×1 is probably better or 2×2 – and then screw up from the bottom just to give you like a support into your roof and then you can tack from the front with a new piece.
TOM: (overlapping voices) Yeah, basically create a firring strip.
NIVEN: Oh, OK. So I could screw that into the roof and then tack the fascia board up to that.
LESLIE: (overlapping voices) Mm-hmm. To that.
TOM: (overlapping voices) Right. Right.
TOM: And here’s what you want to do on the fascia board. I wouldn’t use wood. I would use one of the composites like AZEK.
TOM: Yeah, looks like wood; cuts like wood but it’s made – it’s actually extruded …
LESLIE: (overlapping voices) No one wants to eat it. (Niven chuckles)
TOM: Yeah, it’s extruded PVC.
NIVEN: OK. And they have those links and I can …
TOM: Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I put it on my garage when we had a bad carpenter bee problem; they ate up all the fascia.
TOM: Yeah, bees kept staring at it but they couldn’t figure out how to get into it after that.
NIVEN: (chuckles) Well, these are about 20-footers.
TOM: Yeah, you can get long ones.
NIVEN: Ah, great. OK.
NIVEN: Sounds great. Thanks an awful lot.
TOM: You’re welcome, Niven. Thanks so much for calling us at 1-888-MONEY-PIT.
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