LESLIE: Now we’re going to talk to Mike in Florida who’s working on some tiles. Tell us about your project.
MIKE: Yes, I’ve got a lot of tile work in the house that we’ve just had put in. And I’m wondering about the best way to seal the grout so that dirt doesn’t get caked down in it. Because you can’t ever get it out.
TOM: Yeah, and you’ve got to seal it now before you get any dirt in there.
MIKE: Yes, that’s what I’d like to do.
LESLIE: So you haven’t done anything at this point at all to seal it.
LESLIE: There’s a couple of great applicators. There’s one that looks like it has a nail polish brush on the end. It’s like a squeezable bottle with a very tiny brush on top. And there’s another one that’s a squeezable bottle with a sponge on a roller. Both are excellent applicators because they get that sealant exactly where you want it; right on the grout line.
TOM: Yeah, and the best sealants are the silicone sealants, Mike. Those are the ones that I’ve had the best results with. So I think you’re definitely on the right track. With the right tools and the right sealant you will not be having to clean that grout very soon.
MIKE: OK, good. So that’s silicone-based sealant.
TOM: Silicone-based sealant.
Mike, thanks so much for calling us at 888-MONEY-PIT.
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